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【美國 VORNADO】渦流空氣循環機 Premium 795-公司貨(送7-11禮卷200元、清潔刷)



VORNADO Premium 渦流空氣循環機 795

美國No.1品牌|適用13-15坪|運作安靜適用於客廳和大坪數房間|每分鐘轉速達1500 rpm|六年保固、終身服務

不流動的空氣常讓人悶熱心煩,而涼風扇卻未必能真正帶動空氣間氣流的流動。館長推薦您現在家家都需必備的空氣循環機。它充分利用空氣動力學風洞設計,加上特殊極速葉片,加壓後高效能渦輪氣流如龍捲風般效果集中射出( 非一般風扇之分散氣流),風壓強勁有效創造最佳循環氣流。在接觸到牆面或阻礙物時,漩渦氣流進而擴散循環至整個室內空間,形成週而復始的空氣循環效應。

VORNADO 渦流空氣循環機 Premium 795為美國知名品牌,採用高性能的馬達和特殊渦旋式風頭,在穿過屋內時能牽引更多的空氣加入循環氣流,使房間裡所有的空氣循環流動,尤其適合放置在客廳, 會議室或是大坪數的房間內,讓你置身於舒服安適的空間。Premium 系列搭配五段風速設計,可依您的需求調整風量,每分鐘轉速達1500 rpm送風空氣流動性更佳,真正達到省電節能的效果。館長貼心提醒,使用於冷、暖氣的室內空間中能創造最佳的循環氣流!


◎尺寸:長 41 cm x 寬 43 cm x 高 69-107 cm
◎重量:6.8 公斤






【美國 VORNADO】渦流空氣循環機 Premium 795-公司貨(送7-11禮卷200元、清潔刷)


ASROCK 華擎 Fatality X99M Killer 主機板 (Fatal1ty X99M Killer)


ASROCK 華擎 X99 Extreme4 主機板

【技嘉】GA-Z170X-Gaming 7 主機板




DO-IT-YOURSELF: The Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology is to sign a NT$68.6 billion contract to build 66 XT-5 trainers to replace the air force’s aging fleetBy Chen Wei-han / Staff reporterA program to build supersonic trainer aircraft is to be officially launched today, with the first prototype expected in two years, and flight tests a year later.Air Force Commander General Shen Yi-ming (沈一鳴) and Chung-shan Institute of Science and Technology president Chang Guan-chung (張冠群) are to sign a memorandum to award the institute an NT$68.6 billion (US$2.22 billion) contract to build 66 planes.A cornerstone of President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) policy to develop a local defense industry, the program is to produce 66 XT-5 “Blue Magpie” trainers designed by Aerospace Industrial Development Corp (AIDC) to replace the air force’s aging AT3 trainers and F5 fighters, which remain in service to support training exercises.AIDC, the main subcontractor, has gathered more than 300 aviation professionals to design and produce the new trainer, which is reportedly based on the design of Indigenous Defense Fighter (IDF) jets assembled by AIDC.The IDF was produced with the technical assistance of several US companies, including General Dynamics Corp, which helped with the frame; Hughes Corp, which designed the engine; and Westinghouse Co, which produced the avionics system.AIDC is to design models to undergo wind tunnel testing in the US and other tests in Taiwan, with the first Blue Magpie prototype to be built by 2019 and the first trial flight set for 2020.The first Blue Magpie is also scheduled to be commissioned that year, with the fleet of 66 XT-5s projected to be completed in 2028.The air force first submitted a budget in 2008 to procure new trainer jets to replace the AT3s, which have a recommended service life of 20 years and were nearing the end of that time frame.The Alenia Aermacchi M-346 trainers made by Italy’s Leonardo-Finmeccanica and T50 trainers developed by a South Korean company as well as the US’ Lockheed Martin were the primary objectives.Following test trials of the M-346, the air force submitted a NT$69.1 billion budget to purchase 66 of the planes and a memorandum was signed between AIDC and Leonardo-Finmeccanica to manufacture four to six M-346s in Italy, with the rest to be built in Taiwan.However, the procurement project was shelved following the election of President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), who had pledged to make the defense industry one of Taiwan’s key economic drivers.Leonardo-Finmeccanica did offer a substantially reduced price — cutting its bill from NT$69.1 billion to NT$50.4 billion — but the government decided to maintain its pledge to build a locally developed plane.Additional reporting by staff writer新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES


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